Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Presentations due Friday 19th April
A reminder that your presentation on who was responsible for the holocaust is due on Friday. It should include an explanation and evidence for how your group could be held accountable, a counter argument with evidence and finally your own opinion on where responsibility lies.
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Homework Due Wednesday 13th March
Do a case study of Auschwitz-Birkenau camp before it became a death camp.
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
What should be in your folder....
What your folder should have in it. Be up to date by 26th Nov
- Timeline of anti-Semitism throughout history from AD 321 - today
- List of key terms and meanings
- Explanations of the 4 types of Jews in Weimar Germany
- Who was the best example of an assimilated Jew sheet
- Written answer "who best represents assimilated Jews?"
- Spider diagram "Why did Jews move to Germany?"
- Wider reading "Gospels of Hate" annotated and highlighted
- Essay - How far were Jews successfully assimilated into Weimar Germany?
- Timeline of Weimar Germany from 1919-1933
- Notes on how anti-S emetic was Wiemar Germany by 1930
- Timeline of increased and decreased anti-Semitism 1920-1930
- Notes on Walter Rathenau
- Whos who of anti-Semitism including handouts from presentations
- Wider reading "Bohemian Revolutionaries" highlighted and annotated
- Notes on the main ideas in Mein Kampf
- Notes on the 25 point programme focusing on what the main aims of the Nazi Party were up to 1920
- Notes on Nazi ideology; Lebenraum, volkgemeinschaft and social darwinism
- Wider reading Hite and Hinton "Who supported the Nazi party?" with questions 3,4,6 and 7 completed
- Political spectrum diagram and outline of political parties of Weimar Germany
- Wider reading "Did Hitler have the support of the German people?" annotated and highlighted
- Notes on how much impact Hitler had on gaining votes
- Vote analysis of voting patterns between 1920- 1930 and then 1930-1933
- A4 chart "How and why did Anti-Semitsim increase to March
- Who voted for the Nazis A3 sheet 1933
- Statistical analysis p55
- Revision activity p57 from Rowe
- Timeline the different phases of Nazi Germany (Legal, New Germany and Radicalisation)
- Read and annotate "Hitler and the Holocaust" by Ian Kershaw
- Hitler's aims note diagram from Farmer
- Flow diagram of anti-Semetic legislation
- Causes, Course and consequence of the Nuremberg Laws notes
- Big Questions sheet on Nuremberg Laws x2
- Practice Source questions on who voted for the Nazis x2
- Propaganda presentation
- A3 Propaganda sheet recording findings of presentations
- Propaganda essay 24 mark
- 3 Handouts on camps
- Jewish Boycott 12 mark question
- Notes on other victims of the Nazis
- Read and make notes p80-83 of Rowe
- Complete chart of Nazi persecution of the Jews
- Notes on why the Jews didn't just leave Germany
- Read and highlight essay with reasons why some Jews left Germany and why others chose to stay.
- Complete one case study of how Jewish people were received by other countries
- Timeline showing key events of WW2 and impact on anti-semitism
- Map showing Nazi conquest of territory, location of ghettos, einsatzgruppen and death camps.
- Notes from Farmer and Rowe on occupation of Eastern territories.
- 12 mark source question "How far do the views in Sources B differ from those in source A in relation to anti-semitism in Weimar Germany?"
- Notes on ghettoisation from lesson and wider reading.
Homework due Friday 8th March
Complete the wider reading on ghettos you were given in class today (27th Feb) and research one ghetto from creation to liquidation. Bring all of this to lesson on Friday 8th March.
Friday, 22 February 2013
Homework 22nd February 2013
You need to complete the reading and questions from Farmer and Rowe. You also have a 12 mark source question to complete with plan, answer, grade and explanation of grade. This is all due on Thursday 28th February.
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Thursday, 7 February 2013
How were the Jews recieved by other countries?
Here are the weblinks that you will need for today's lesson (7th Feb)
Friday, 18 January 2013
snow work
You have been lucky enough to get a little bit of extra time to work on your presentations. You must use lesson time to improve on what you have already put together with a particular focus on individual accounts. With extra time the presentation should be fantastic!
Saturday, 12 January 2013
Homework to be set Friday 18th January
You should have a timeline detailing all the actions the Nazis took against the Jews. You will need to colour code violent v legal methods. You will need to show how and why things got progressively worse - why were the Nazis taking such actions? What were they hoping to achieve? You also need to use the reading given today to provide real examples of how these things influenced the lives of Jewish individuals.
What were the Nazis trying to achieve?
What happened?
Specific example of Jewish experience
Remove Jewish influence
April 1933 Boycott of Jewish shops and businesses
Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service
Law against overcrowding of
October 1933 Exclusion of German Jews from the Press
September 1935 The
November 1935 Supplementary decree of the Reich Citizenship Law
April 1938 Registration of Jewish assets over 5000 marks
October 1938 jewish Passports stamped with a large ‘J’
November 1938 Jews forbidden to visit theatres etc
Expulsion of all Jewish pupils from schools
December 1938 Compulsory sale of all Jewish businesses
October 1939 Euthenasia Programme authorized by Hitler
November 1939 Jews in occupied
Summer 1940 Madagascar Plan developed
November 1940
1941 Einzatsgruppen deployed behind the Eastern Front
August 1941 Euthanasia Programme halted
September 1941 Mass killings of Jews near
December 1941 Gassing of Jews at Chelmno
January 1942 Wannsee conference
Jewish lawyers are removed from their positions. Hindenburg steps in to help reduce the persecution of Jewish people who fought during WW1.
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Cover work instructions 9th January
Students should read pages 78-80 in Rowe and
p64-67 in Farmer making notes on Kristallnacht.
They should then watch the video (link on the blog) making detailed
notes on the experiences of different individuals during the Kristallnacht
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