Friday, 16 November 2012

What your folder should have in it. Be up to date by 26th Nov

  1. Timeline of anti-Semitism throughout history from AD 321 - today
  2. List of key terms and meanings
  3. Explanations of the 4 types of Jews in Weimar Germany
  4. Who was the best example of an assimilated Jew sheet
  5. Written answer "who best represents assimilated Jews?"
  6. Spider diagram "Why did Jews move to Germany?"
  7. Wider reading "Gospels of Hate" annotated and highlighted
  8. Essay - How far were Jews successfully assimilated into Weimar Germany?
  9. Timeline of Weimar Germany from 1919-1933
  10. Notes on how anti-S emetic was Wiemar Germany by 1930
  11. Timeline of increased and decreased anti-Semitism 1920-1930
  12. Notes on Walter Rathenau
  13. Whos who of anti-Semitism including handouts from presentations
  14. Wider reading "Bohemian Revolutionaries" highlighted and annotated
  15. Notes on the main ideas in Mein Kampf
  16. Notes on the 25 point programme focusing on what the main aims of the Nazi Party were up to 1920
  17. Notes on Nazi ideology; Lebenraum, volkgemeinschaft and social darwinism
  18. Wider reading Hite and Hinton "Who supported the Nazi party?" with questions 3,4,6 and 7 completed
  19. Political spectrum diagram and outline of political parties of Weimar Germany
  20. Wider reading "Did Hitler have the support of the German people?" annotated and highlighted
  21. Notes on how much impact Hitler had on gaining votes
  22. Vote analysis of voting patterns between 1920- 1930 and then 1930-1933 
  23. A4 chart "How and why did Anti-Semitsim increase to March 
  24. Who voted for the Nazis A3 sheet 1933
  25.    Statistical analysis p55
  26. Revision activity p57 from Rowe  
  27. Timeline the different phases of Nazi Germany (Legal, New Germany and Radicalisation)
  28. Read and annotate "Hitler and the Holocaust" by Ian Kershaw 
  29. Hitler's aims note diagram from Farmer
  30. Flow diagram of anti-Semetic legislation
  31. Causes, Course and consequence of the Nuremberg Laws notes
  32. Big Questions sheet on Nuremberg Laws x2
  33. Practice Source questions on who voted for the Nazis x2
  34. Propaganda presentation
  35. A3 Propaganda sheet recording findings of presentations
  36. Propaganda essay 24 mark
  37. 3 Handouts on camps
  38. Jewish Boycott 12 mark question
  39. Notes on other victims of the Nazis 
  40. Read and make notes p80-83 of Rowe
  41. Complete chart of Nazi persecution of the Jews
  42. Notes on why the Jews didn't just leave Germany
  43. Read and highlight essay with reasons why some Jews left Germany and why others chose to stay.
  44. Complete one case study of how Jewish people were received by other countries
  45. Timeline showing key events of WW2 and impact on anti-semitism
  46. Map showing Nazi conquest of territory, location of ghettos, einsatzgruppen and death camps.
  47. Notes from Farmer and Rowe on occupation of Eastern territories.
  48. 12 mark source question "How far do the views in Sources B differ from those in source A in relation to anti-semitism in Weimar Germany?"

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